Dryer Duct Cleaning

Call for an appointment for Dryer Duct Cleaning today!

We specialize in duct cleaning and our service is guaranteed. We remove lint, bird nests and articles of clothing from dryer vents in homes, beauty salons, apartments and condos. Our work is done promptly and professionally.

Don’t have a dryer vent fire.
Keep your home safe and sound!


Dryer Duct Cleaning

Single Home to High Rise Buildings

before-after dryer duct cleaning

Make Sure You Clean

this Dryer Duct Hose

This decreases drying time and prevents fires,
dryer down time and irate tenants!

Dryer Dangers

There were 27,400 clothes dryer fires in the U.S. in 2007, resulting in 39 deaths, 248 injuries and property loss estimated at more than $158 million. In most cases the culprit was lint. Consumers are warned to make sure you clean the dryer duct hose.


From A House To A Complex

We remove lint, bird nests and articles of clothing from dryer vents in homes, beauty salons, apartments and condos.

We specialize in duct cleaning and our service is guaranteed. Our work is done promptly and professionally. Contact us for free estimates.

To provide Peace of Mind, Comfort and Security to our clients by providing the highest quality service at a very competitive cost.

 Serving the Entire Metro Area

East Metro (651) 464-1369  – Mpls & West Metro (952) 933-8005

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